Monday, November 3, 2008

Buying g a Second Hand Car?

Planning to buy a second hand car?

May its the right time to think considering the fact that the petrol prices are decling steadily.. its about $1.29 a litre today (4th Nov). Keep in mind certain facts before buying one like..

1) If its a dealer negotiate the price as far as you can as these cars are completely rewamped and are kept in good condition when you buy. So the lower the price the better the deal

2) If your buying from a third party private seller, be very careful. If the price appears too low for the model, thoroughly check the car and if required bring in a car mechanic for a complete check. Negotiation here can bring out the truth or value of the car itself

3) Keep in mind things like Road worthy certificate (RWC) which can cost you anywhere between $200 to $300 and a Registration will be $500 to $600 every year.

4) Also remeber older the car higher would be the insurance cover cost!!

Want to see my car which i bought it from my friend for about $1800.. well buying a car from a friend is a difference catergory though !!!! Anyways here it is..

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